Northville Now

Standing with The Drake/Sergison Family: A Story of Tragedy and Community Hope

Standing with The Drake/Sergison Family: A Story of Tragedy and Community Hope

by | Jun 6, 2024

On a day like any other, the unpredictable fury of nature turned the lives of the Drake/Sergison family upside down. Livonia, Michigan, was shaken to its core by severe weather, including a tornado that wrought havoc across the community, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Among the chaos, a heart-wrenching tragedy struck the Drake/Sergison household, claiming the life of three-year-old Cooper and leaving his mother, Corinne, with serious injuries. This catastrophe not only caused the loss of precious life but also upended the living situation for this family, thrusting them into a dire battle to rebuild from the rubble.

The severe weather event that hit Livonia brought more than just physical damage; it brought a community to its knees as it rallied around one of its own. The Drake/Sergison family, known for their warmth and love, now faces an uphill battle as they navigate the aftermath of this tragedy. Corinne’s injuries, particularly severe, require extensive medical treatment and care, a journey that’s both financially and emotionally taxing. As they grapple with the loss of Cooper and their home, the enormity of the challenge before them becomes clear. Support from the community has never been more crucial as they undertake the long road to recovery.

The aftermath of a severe weather event, highlighting the devastating impact on the Drake/Sergison family.
The aftermath of a severe weather event, highlighting the devastating impact on the Drake/Sergison family.  Source:

In light of the overwhelming challenges faced by the Drake/Sergison family, a call to action has been made to the community for support. Recognizing the long and arduous journey ahead, a GoFundMe has been set up to provide financial assistance through donations.

Drake/Sergison Family GoFundMe

The act of giving, no matter the size of the contribution, embodies the spirit of community and compassion. By rallying behind the Drake/Sergison family through donations, we not only provide a lifeline during their time of need but also reinforce the values of empathy and unity that define our community. Every donation brings Corinne and her family one step closer to recovery, serving as a poignant reminder of the love and support that surrounds them.

The outpouring of concern and generosity from the community has been a source of comfort for the Drake/Sergison family during this trying time. Each message of support, every prayer, and donation has been a ray of hope. It’s a powerful reminder of the incredible impact collective action can have, offering much-needed solace and support to those grappling with loss and upheaval. As the family navigates through their journey of recovery, this unwavering support serves as a pillar of strength, encouraging them to persevere despite the challenges ahead.

As we continue to stand with the Drake/Sergison family, let us remember the difference we can make by coming together as a community. By keeping them in our thoughts and prayers, extending our generosity through donations, and offering a helping hand in any way we can, we embody the very essence of community spirit. This journey of healing and rebuilding is a long one, but with the collective support of neighbors and friends, the Drake/Sergison family can look forward to brighter days ahead.

Every contribution makes a difference, offering hope and encouragement to a family navigating through their darkest hours. Let us come together and show the true strength of our community spirit.

Drake/Sergison Family GoFundMe

Sources:, Natalia Escalante –,,
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